Continued Care Program

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Continued Care Program heart

Ensuring Care For Your Pets After You’re Gone

If you have pets, you want the comfort of knowing they will be cared for and loved if anything should happen to you. We strongly recommend that you please remember your pets when crafting your will. Find someone you can trust to leave them to and talk to this person so they know your plans. If, however, you do not have anyone to leave your pets to, Nate’s Honor Animal Rescue now offers a program called Lifetime Care to ensure your pet is taken care of. Through the Lifetime Care program, those who leave a bequest to NHAR can make plans for the lifetime care of their pets should their pets survive them. When an NHAR member enrolled in this program passes away, we will guarantee a home for their pet(s). These animals can stay at NHAR or at one of our foster homes until a new, permanent home can be found for them.

The steps to enroll in the program are simple:

Step 1: Enroll in the program. You can do this by calling NHAR at (941) 538-6206 or emailing the development team directly at

Step 2: Prepare or alter your will to include NHAR (tax id 26-0878064), legal name is Honor Sanctuary Inc.

Make sure to include sufficient resources to cover the long-term care of your companions, including the funds to cover emergency medical care should that become necessary. Remember, NHAR is a no-kill rescue. Animals are therefore not put to sleep unless they are suffering and beyon care. While many animals are adopted quickly, some are with us for quite a while. Older pets or those with medical or behavior-based special needs can take quite a lot of time to place into new homes. A general rule of thumb is to include a minimum of $5,000 for each of your pets. This will provide for their care and leave enough resources to provide for any emergencies that might arise. One way to accomplish this goal is to take out a life insurance policy and list NHAR as the beneficiary. This ensures the resources will be available for your pets if they are ever needed.

Step 3:  Complete your Pet Profile and send us a copy of your will. We will keep your will on file with your enrollment information. This will help us ensure the resources left to us may be accessed easily should they be needed. Click here to submit your will and complete your pet profile.

Step 4: NHAR will send you a card to keep in your wallet indicating that if anything should happen to you, your animals are to be taken directly to our shelter. Place this card in your wallet and inform your friends and family that you have made these preparations. In the event that you leave pets behind, this will guarantee a prompt and easy admission at the shelter.  Preparing for the Lifetime Care of your pets is an important part of being a pet guardian.